For the new IBN headquarters, we have been looking for a suitable project/property for a long time. In the end, we found the right project in Rosenheim (Upper Bavaria, Germany): a small one-story grocery store, which had been built in 1955 and most recently had been selling beverages. The new IBN headquarters are easily accessible […]
IBN Building
The IBN building, a former grocery store from 1955, was transformed in 2014 into a 2700-square-foot sustainable plus energy house using renewable materials. It features an allergy-friendly model apartment, emphasizes a healthy indoor climate, and reduces electrosmog. It serves as a flagship project for building biology.
Symbol between sky, air, and water
Art derives from skill or knowledge (nosse aut posse), maybe from both; certainly, both great skill and great knowledge are necessary to create art. He who has knowledge but no skills is a theorist; therefore he cannot be trusted with actually making something; he who has skills but no knowledge is a mere craftsman—when both […]
A new building for the IBN headquarters
Forerunners of the current Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability IBN include the Healthy Building + Living Working Group (Arbeitsgruppe Gesundes Bauen + Wohnen) (1969-1976), the Institute of Building Biology (Institut für Baubiologie) (1976-1983), as well as the Institute of Building Biology + Ecology Neubeuern (Institut für Baubiologie + Ökologie Neubeuern) (1983-2014). In 2014, […]