With its holistic approach and interdisciplinary structure, the BBC offers a unique educational opportunity for building professionals, tradespeople, health care professionals, naturopaths, and homeowners, and many others.
- Architects, designers, engineers, technicians
- Green building, sustainability, and energy consultants, auditors, and advisors
- Tradespeople, contractors
- Members of construction companies, housing agencies, property management companies
- Manufacturers and suppliers of building materials
- Health care professionals, naturopaths with an interest in environmental medicine
- Homeowners, DIY builders
If you do not have any relevant previous knowledge in this field, you can enroll in the BBC after consultation with the IBN. The study of building biology will increase your competence in the field of healthy, sustainable, and holistic building practices and open up new career opportunities.
Career opportunities include:
- Consulting for private, public, and commercial contractors or businesses (e.g. construction companies, building material manufacturers, building trades)
- Building design, construction, and renovation with a focus on building biology, ecology, and energy efficiency
- Building services with a focus on building biology aspects
- Distribution and/or production of building materials, building elements, building systems, installations
- Holistic consulting for patients and collaboration with health care professionals
- Real estate agent for green housing with a focus on building biology aspects
- Public relations (articles, presentations, internet, etc.)
- Offering seminars and workshops
We would like to point out that passing the final exam to become a Building Biology Consultant IBN does not automatically lead to a job or business. The Building Biology Course is primarily an educational opportunity to broaden your knowledge, establish a professional foundation, and/or enhance your current career.
In Germany, the IBN offers currently the following additional training programs. We are in communication with our Partner Institutes to offer these continuing education programs also in English in the near future:
- Building Biology Testing Specialist IBN
- Building Biology Energy Advisor IBN
- Building Biology Interior Decorator IBN
- Establishing a Building Biology Consulting Office IBN
Practicing Building Biology
To gain an objective view of the different career paths in building biology, have a look at the course module “Practicing Building Biology” via guest access. It illustrates how building biology can be integrated into your daily work, ensure job security, or help launch a new career. This course module is not representative of the other course modules, which primarily discusses subject matters related to all aspects of building biology.
Any questions? Get in touch!
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If you prefer to talk, email us your phone number, location, and a good time to contact you. Someone from our team will call you back.